Cloth Nappy Tips for Newbies!

Cloth Nappy Tips for Newbies!


Lets face it - we have all been there at some point! The decision to use cloth nappies can be a daunting one, but we have put together a few tips for newbies to make the transition easy! 

Take Your time:

Don't feel as though you have to begin using cloth nappies as soon as your baby is born - in fact, most mums begin using cloth for the first time when bub is a few months old. Allow yourself to get settled into into a home routine first, and begin using them when you feel ready to do so.

One a day can make a difference:

When you begin, don't feel like you have to use cloth nappies on your baby all the time. Start slow, and when you are ready to, make the transition to full time use. This way, you'll find what works best for you. Some mothers choose to use them for day times only, and others find that full time use is best! And remember - even using just one cloth nappy a day makes a difference!

Get the right Setup:

There are several nappy accessories out there make using cloth nappies a lot easier, quicker and mess-free! A must to add to your stash!

Have everything ready to go:

I know it sounds pretty obvious, but when it comes time to changing, ensure everything is ready to go. Vertical snaps are fine to remain in place during the wash and stuff cloth nappy pockets immediately after washing. This way its a nice quick change with no fiddling - or accidents!

Your babies nappy needs are constantly changing:

As your baby grows, so does its cloth nappy needs. You may find the absorption / fit combo that used to work a dream, is no longer ideal. Have a play around with the amount of absorption used and the snap settings if you find that your baby has grown out of what used to work. See our EcoNaps Sizing and Fitting Blog Post & Our How to Size Page for more nappy fitting advice as well as our How to fit a nappy video on our EcoNaps YouTube channel here.

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