5 Self Care Ideas For You On Mothers Day

5 Self Care Ideas For You On Mothers Day

Whether you’re in newborn mode or toddler stage, having kids is a commitment that doesn't give you much space for self care (we remember those sleep deprived nights, leaky boobs, and temper tantrums all too well). And we all know you can’t pour from an empty cup, so why not do something for yourself this Mother’s Day. We think it’s the perfect time to carve out a little time just for you to recharge.

Here are 5 ways to fill your cup and give yourself a little love and recognition this Mother’s Day.  

 1. Rise early

Wake up before everyone else in the house to do something just for you. Sit, meditate, journal or simply enjoy a cuppa in silence before the household starts stirring. 

2. Self love affirmations

Simple words of affirmation remind us of how wonderful we are. Choose one of our favourites below or write your own and stick it somewhere obvious, say it aloud often to remind yourself of what an incredible woman you are.
- I am calm and capable
- I am a kind and loving mother
- I am learning to surrender
- I am patient
- I am proud of who I am becoming 

3. Little luxuries

Get your partner or family member to watch the kids while you take yourself out for a treat. Book a manicure, pedicure, massage or facial, and enjoy being in the moment. And if you can’t get out, create a DIY spa at home. A long bath, face mask, and essential oils is just as lush. 

4. Watch your favourite show or film
Nothing makes you feel good like a good emotional release. Whether that’s a good laugh or a heartfelt cry. Let those emotions go mamma. If you need a recommendation, we laughed out loud *and cried a little* to Working Moms and The Let Down. Oh and forget to grab popcorn, chocolate and wine! 
5. Hire help

You don’t need to do it all alone. We think Mother’s Day is a great time to book a cleaner or indulge in a food delivery service and share the load. This is a really great gift that keeps on giving. Because at the end of the day, time is our most valuable resource. Use that spare time playing with your kids or reading a good book. Over to you!

How do you spend your Mother’s Day? Let us know if you’ll be trying any of these self-care tips.

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