Dive into the Whimsical World of EcoNaps x Plastic Free Mermaid

Dive into the Whimsical World of EcoNaps x Plastic Free Mermaid

We are delighted to announce our latest collaboration prints with Kathryn Nelson, aka the Plastic Free Mermaid, a renowned activist, author, and adventurer who has dedicated her career to creating positive change in the world. In this campaign, EcoNaps has partnered with the Plastic Free Mermaid and her message of sustainability to promote reusable diapers and accessories, for the importance of protecting our oceans.

At EcoNaps, we believe that parenthood and ocean conservation go hand in hand. We know that our actions have an impact on the environment, and we want to make sure that our children have a beautiful, thriving planet to call home. That's why we're proud to offer a range of reusable diapers, swim diapers, wet bags, and change mats that help parents reduce their plastic use and support the preservation of our environment.

But enough about our mission – let's talk about these prints! From mermaids to whales to turtles on the reef, each print captures the whimsical spirit of the ocean and invites little ones to explore its wonders. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Mermaids – Our Mermaids print is a gentle reminder to embrace the fluid nature of motherhood. The adaptable quality of water is within us all, and we are capable of navigating the challenges of parenthood. So surrender, trust your intuition, take a deep breath, and remember, you've got this.


Whales – The mother whale and her calf symbolize the undeniable bond we share with our children and the natural world. We are all responsible for reducing plastic pollution and protecting our oceans for the creatures that call them home. So every time you wrap your little one's bottom in a reusable cloth diaper, feel good knowing you contribute to cleaner seas for all living beings.


Turtles – Our turtles swimming through vibrant coral reefs represent the delicate and crucial ecosystem we all share. Our actions impact our environment, from the air we breathe to the water we drink. So let's show our love for the planet and its creatures, one reusable diaper at a time. 


Each print is designed by the talented Victoria McGrane in collaboration with Kathryn Nelson @plasticfreemermaid. Not only do they look beautiful, but they're also gentle on your baby's skin and help prevent plastic from entering our oceans, ensuring there are vibrant oceans for our babes to explore once they're grown. 


We hope these prints inspire you and your little ones to explore the magic of the ocean and join us in the Mermaid Motherhood movement. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for our children and our planet


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